Thank you Florastor® Daily Probiotics for sponsoring this post. Visit your local retailer to pick up your bottle of Florastor® Daily Probiotics to complement your active lifestyle!
I truly believe that in order to maintain balance and proper health, you have to get healthy from the inside out. By this I mean, drinking lots of water, eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, limit my sugar intake, get lots of sleep, exercise and take my daily multi-vitamin, fish oil and a probiotic.
You've all heard that saying, "Take care of your body, it's the only place you have to live", right?
It might sound cliche, but it's so true.
There are so many ways to accomplish whatever you define as your "balance", but I thought I'd share some with you.
- Get enough sleep--- This is so important, it bears repeating. Get enough sleep! Sleep plays a crucial role in maintaining good health (both mental and physical), improve memory, increase productivity (duh!) as well as prevent weight gain. Try to get to bed 15-30 minutes earlier and avoid screen time right before bed. My favorite thing to help me wind down is to read a book. I am guaranteed to be out in minutes.
- Drink lots of water--- Try to drink at least 64 ounces of water a day. I usually recommend that you drink half of your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 130 pounds, you would drink 65 ounces of water a day. Don't get stressed, that's only a little more than 4 of those 16 ounce water bottles. Drinking adequate amounts of water not only helps with digestion, helps keep ups full (may prevent weight loss), may boost energy levels and also helps to clear your skin.
- Eat at least 5-10 servings of fruit and vegetables a day---That may seem like a lot to some people, but get creative and you can meet that requirement in no time. Think of salads, crustless quiches, soups, smoothies and stews. These fruits and veggies are loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help to keep you healthy and balanced. This smoothie pictured below contains 2 servings of fruits and 4 servings of vegetables, just in this one smoothie! I also added hemp seeds, chia seeds and plain Greek yogurt for protein.
- Exercise ---be active every day. Whether or not it's going out for an hour run, walking the dog or dancing around your kitchen, get up and MOVE, It's good for your heart health as well as your mood. Once you finish, you never regret it.
I personally love to run and take bar method classes. They both allow me to decompress, relieve stress while giving my body a work out at the same time.
I love to stretch after a run (and during a bar method class!) that helps increase blood flow to my muscles and increases my flexibility. Here I am, pictured above, practicing one of my favorite bar method stretches after a long run.
- Take a probiotic daily--- Probiotics support "good" live bacteria and yeast that help to promote gut health and improve digestion, strengthen your immune system and support overall health. I was thrilled to try Florastor® Daily Probiotics as part of my daily routine.
I am already a huge fan of probiotics, but I have come to learn that they are all not the same. Many of them contain GMO's (genetically modified organisms) in them, in the form of maltodextrin. And that's the first thing I look for on any probiotic ingredient label.
I was excited to try Florastor as I hadn't ever used it before. I checked the ingredient label, and there was no maltodextrin (whew!) I was also happy to read that Florastor is the only probiotic brand with Saccharomyces boulardii lyo CNCM I-745 which helps restore your natural flora. Florastor is the best selling probiotic worldwide backed by over 60 years of use and research. Ok, sounds good to me!
So what's all the hype about with probiotics these days? Probiotics support the "good" bacteria that line your digestive tract. Besides improving digestion and strengthening your immune system, Florastor also helps your body absorb water and nutrients as well as help break down carbs and fiber.
Florastor is also gluten-free, vegetarian and contains non-GMO ingredients. I love that one serving is only one capsule because many of the types of probiotics I have taken in the past were 2 gigantic pills and besides the fact that you run out of pills faster, they were harder to swallow!
I have been taking Florastor for a few weeks and I feel great. It's the perfect addition of maintaining proper health from the inside out.
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
Angie | Big Bear's Wife
I love that quote and that smoothie! Such great advice!
Ashley @ Wishes & Dishes
I love all of these tips! If this isn't motivation to get healthy, I don't know what is!
Thanks Ashley!
Fantastic tips! The upcoming months are the most challenging for me, I'll put this to good use.
Yes, I think these months are challenging for everyone, Johnna!
Jen | Baked by an Introvert
This is so great! Thank you for sharing your tips for inner health!
Thanks Jen!
Katrina @ In Katrina's Kitchen
Great tips! I use a probiotics and I just started my kids on one this year too.
Yes, I give them to my kids too, Katrina!
Brandy | Nutmeg Nanny
These are good healthy life tips for everyone! I'm definitely going to have to try this Probiotic out!
Thanks Brandy!
Kim Beaulieu
I don't stretch enough, but I love probiotics. I feel much better when I take them.
Me too Kim!
Megan @ MegUnprocessed
A marvelous resource! We truly need to find our balance.
Thanks Megan!
Healthy Seasonal Recipes
Great tips!! It's so true that you need to take care of your body from the inside out. And drinks lots of water!!:)
Drink AAAALLLLLLLL the water, Katie 🙂
Heather Kinnaird
this is just what i needed to hear today...not feeling very balanced lately and desperately trying to get it back. thanks for the reminder
I am right there with you Heather, sometimes its difficult to stay balanced!