This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of
Usually by February, those New Year's resolutions you made just last month are already a thing of the past. You can achieve your goals more effectively by making one small change.
It really is as simple as making one small change for as little as a week to result in positive gains. I know because I participated in Prevention Magazine’s #SpreadTheHealth campaign and have gained a whole lot of gratitude and life-changing perspective.
Prevention Magazine is asking readers to commit to short, simple, one-week challenges focused on simple health tweaks in key areas: Nourish, Connect, Move, Grow and Relax. While I feel that I can benefit in all of these aspects, I am really hoping 2017 will be a year for growth for me. I truly believe that personal growth is imperative to happiness and it’s been something I have been struggling with for a while.
I really enjoyed the #SpreadTheHealth Campaign so much that I am still continuing to do it now, even though my week has ended. Head on over to Prevention Magazine’s site to check out what I learned.
Brandy | Nutmeg Nanny
This is such a great lesson for all of us. Great article!
Kelly @ Nosh and Nourish
Loved reading your article over on prevention! You did a fabulous job --- and you're so right. Our attitude can change with our GRatitude. And even the most annoying circumstances don't have the power over us that they used to. <3 Love you and your sweet family! <3
It is so important in our modern society too really slowdown and be grateful for even the smallest of things!
Kristen @A Mind Full MOm
I just read your article at Prevention. I couldn't agree more that writing down blessings (which yes sometimes are caffiene and wine) keep your mind on the positive 🙂
colleen kennedy
This is great, I need to slow down and do some of the same. I do it in quick little thoughts but that is not enough....
Taylor Kiser
What a great habit to get into every day! Now I want to get a journal and start recording things I'm grateful for throughout the day! Looking back through the journal years later will definitely make it a keepsake, right?!